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Living Your Life on Purpose

Have you ever wondered where the most valuable place on Earth is? If you were asked that question, what answer would you come up with? Perhaps you might say that Wall Street is the most valuable place on Earth. After all — it has been deemed the most economically powerful ...

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“War Room”: Labor Day Weekend’s Box Office Winner

While many of us spent Labor Day weekend soaking up the last days of summer poolside, others were taking in the year’s final installment of summer blockbusters. The winner? The faith-based drama, “War Room.” This is the film’s second weekend in release and, according to Rentrak estimatse, climbed its way ...

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Praying for your Enemies

If you truly love and pray for those who slander and maltreat you, who hate and defraud you, you will make rapid progress, for when your heart is fully aware that this is happening, your thoughts and, indeed, your whole soul with all its three powers [faith, hope and love] ...

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