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No Weapon Will Prosper

Any hurts, tragedies, or temptations Satan tries to throw against you; will not prosper because Jesus Christ made a public spectacle of all the dark hosts of heaven and especially their evil ringleader. Every believer needs to share in this revelation that Satan is a defeated enemy and he has ...

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Diabetes and Hypothyroidism Connection

According to the 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report (CDC), there are 29.1 million people (9.3% of the population) in the United States who have diabetes – 21 million diagnosed, 8.1 million undiagnosed. But did you know that some of the symptoms of diabetes and hypothyroidism can mimic each other? These ...

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Our Hope: From Strength to Humility

“But He gives more grace.  Therefore He says:  ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ ”  James 4:6 (NKJV) In our last Our Hope session we explored STRENGTH.  Strength is a character trait that all of us would like to have a larger portion of, but we ...

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