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Turning Your Complaining Into Thankfulness

We all have things that we dread doing, and we all have situations in our lives that seem to merit complaint. Recently, I started taking a Bible study by James MacDonald called, Lord Change my Attitude Before it’s Too Late. This week’s lesson is about turning our complaining into thankfulness. How ...

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“All Things to All People”–Witnessing at a Personal Level

Witnessing to anyone … in any form, can be a challenging task—especially for those persons who fear the task. Nevertheless, since God admonishes us all to go and preach the Gospel, witnessing is just a task that we have to get done. This doesn’t mean we should approach witnessing using ...

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Redeeming Ant Man

The most recent establishment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant Man, proved a couple of points.  First, Ant Man reinforced the fact that Marvel Studios can make a film about any of their “B” list characters and it can end up being a pretty decent film.  Marvel first proved this point with ...

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