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Building A Solid Foundation In A Long Distance Relationship

God, using His infinite wisdom and creativity, sometimes orchestrates a unique melding together of two lives.  There are stories of love at first sight, or stories where the courtship strung on and on while one person or the other sorted through a myriad of feelings, and there’s the typical dating ...

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Work/Life Balance: Putting It into Perspective

“Tired Little Woman In Search of Work/Life Balance: Seeking Calm in the Midst of a Storm.” That line could very well be the intro of a personal ad written from my weary little soul to “the balanced, carefree life” I long to live. As a mother of two with a ...

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Keep Hope Alive!

Have you lost your hope? A lack of hope leads to depression. An antidote for depression is hope, but not hope in just anything, the hope found in Jesus Christ. Hope is an essential and fundamental element in the Christian life. Jesus is the reason for our hope, not placing ...

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