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What Is Evil Really? Who is the Solution?

The world is full of evil and we have no way, it seems, to stop it or effectively deal with it. But what is evil? Evil is defined as “morally wrong or bad; wicked”, but what does that even mean, to be morally wrong? To be morally wrong is to ...

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A Chat With Kyle Petty: Victory Junction

I have been intrigued and very interested in Victory Junction, the camp that Kyle Petty and his family established, since its creation. It is located in the area of North Carolina that I call home. I recently had the opportunity to present Kyle with some questions about the camp, its ...

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The Apex of Narcissism: Selfie Addiction Turned Deadly

One hundred injured, 10 killed while taking selfies and that is just this year in Russia alone, who knows how many more have been hurt or killed around the world. Taking selfies is using a phone to take a picture of one’s self, and people are becoming addicted to looking ...

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