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Dear Past: A Letter to You (Part 1)

Dear Past, We’ve been friends for a very long time. You have been there throughout all my decision-making, bad breakups, and the many sleepless nights I’ve stayed up crying. Quite frankly, you have played a huge role in where I am today. But there’s just one problem… I am not ...

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The Last Call

I heard of a man who pulled into a gas station to fill his vehicle full of gas; the young gas attendant came to meet the needs of the driver. The Lord put the burden on the driver’s heart to share Jesus with the young man. The burden grew heavier ...

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The Effect of Black Raspberries on Cancer Cells

In last week’s article on berries, we looked at some of their health-promoting constituents. With the use of black raspberries, there have been some encouraging reports of cancer-preventive qualities. Studies have also shown a reduction in tumor volume and the regulation of genes associated with cancer. Harvested during July, Oregon ...

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