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Is All Sin Really Equal? (Part 2)

all sin is equal, all sin is the same, cardinal sin,

In a culture that worships tolerance, Christians are increasingly made to feel that any stand for righteousness is “judgmental.” A common phrase is “all sin is equal” but does the Bible support this statement? In a previous post, we examined how different sins under the Law of Moses were categorized ...

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The Stranger at the Front Door

Most times when a child is abducted, it’s by a family member—usually parents who are denied custody or visitation rights, or when they’re trying to protect a child from abuse. However, there’s still a huge percentage of children who are victims of non-family abductions. This article is addressing those children ...

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Jesus Christ: The Supernatural Son of God

Let’s face it Jesus Christ walked, talked and breathed the supernatural. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb. He was a sinless human being. Jesus came speaking and demonstrating a whole new side to God’s kingdom no human being had ever seen before. Once, on being asked ...

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