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Have a Berry Healthy Day

Berries just scream summertime! Whether picking them for a pie or cobbler, growing them in your garden, or purchasing from a local market or fruit stand, these plump, juicy fruits are so delicious and good for us. Are You Kidding? Scientifically speaking, a berry is defined as “a fleshy fruit ...

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Where Do You Rank on the Scale of Goodness?

Please rank the following scenarios in their order of goodness: 1 being the least and 10 being the most. A woman helping a homeless man find a job A teenager posting unkind words against a schoolmate through social media Hitler’s regime A CEO donating thousands of dollars each year to ...

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Our Hope: Living Out Our Faith

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1 (ESV) Our church has a Wednesday evening service.  Sometimes it’s a prayer meeting, and sometimes it’s teaching on various topics.  Sometimes we have guest speakers.  But one thing we can always count on: ...

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