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The Patience of God

Have you ever considered the patience of God? He ignored the sins of mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve. He is so patient that He waited until the fullness of time when He sent Jesus Christ to die for all of mankind and passed over more sins then ...

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The Opinions of Others: Should it Matter?

Everybody got something to say about everything. Yet half of the time, it’s much ado about nothing. It’s for us to pass the opinions of others through the sieve of our minds, and sift out the junk that doesn’t make sense. The opinions of others can either help us up ...

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“About A Mile” Makes a Splash in Christian Music

About A Mile, credit: Facebook

Jesus carried His cross about a mile . . . how far will you carry yours? This is the description you’ll find on About A Mile’s Twitter account. It doesn’t say “Christian band.” It doesn’t even identify who they are, exactly. Instead, that very small piece of real estate on ...

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