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Spice Up Your Life With Cinnamon

Originating from wild trees native to South America, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, a reddish-brown spice has warmed our hearts and homes and offered a delicious ingredient for quick breads and apple pies. Cinnamon has been used for several millennia. In addition to its culinary value, it was also used ...

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Finding the Good Investor

Planning for the future is a necessity in life. Whether investing for retirement, college, or long-term savings, intentional preparation is a pivotal component of financial health. As an investor in the market exchange, it is important to educate yourself on the potential workings of the economic realm to become aware ...

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Living the words: In God we Trust

Times of unrest have great potential for building faith–individually as well as nationally.  Words without substance are deadly;  life dusts off our pretenses.  That is something to celebrate!  The history of “In God We Trust” reveals the process beautifully!  Just seven months after the first shots were fired in the ...

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