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An In-depth Look at the Christian Book, “Beyond Belief”

Christian author, Abby Kelly, has written a new 6-week study guide on spiritual maturity entitled, Beyond Belief:  Jesus Saved You. . . Now What? Is it any good?  Is it geared toward all Christians? Where can you purchase it? I’d like to take a few minutes of your time to answer those ...

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The Popular Sport of Husband Bashing–And God’s View

Part One It is human nature to complain and criticize but, of course, we know that the Bible clearly instructs us not to. There are many reasons why this sort of behavior should be avoided at all costs–it is hurtful, whether it is said to a person face-to-face or behind ...

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Questions Atheists Tend to Ask, Part 5

Why is there evil and suffering? I asked these very questions and went through a period of atheism during my search for answers, this is how I left the faith, found the answers I sought and returned to Jesus Christ. The Christian life within the Body of Christ progresses through ...

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