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Breaking Free From Old Mindsets

If you want to move beyond your current limitations, you must break free from old mindsets that have hindered you. Old mindsets are destructive thinking patterns such as defeat, failure, worry, negativity, anxiety, doubt or fear. Maybe you feel stuck in your thought patterns, you want to be free of ...

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Speaking God’s Word Out Loud Brings Divine Power

Do you know someone who is battling with something more overwhelming than they imagined possible?  Are they calling out for help from friends and family?  Do you feel helpless and inadequate to make a God-sized difference?  Don’t despair.  There is a very important investment you can make on behalf of ...

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Prayer Priorities Revealed in a Lost-n-Found Lifestyle

You name it, I’ve lost it! That’s the story of my life, and this week more so than usual. If it’s not my keys, it’s my wallet. If it’s not my wallet, it’s my phone. If it’s not my phone, it’s my ID. Careless? Maybe. Distracted? Definitely. Frazzled? Yes, that’s ...

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