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The Great Big Book of Everything!

Have you fully comprehended the fact that the Bible has a scripture for everything? This statement is no exaggeration. Every issue we could ever have, and everything that affects our lives—whether relationship, money, love, work, family, and the likes—is addressed in the Bible, even matters such as homosexuality and incest. ...

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Sacrificial Love: Christ-like Love

Paul commanded us to love one another as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Jesus gave more than His life for us so we could be given eternal life in the Kingdom of God; He gave His life-giving blood that we may live.  Jesus was much more ...

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#TMI: The Cost of Oversharing on Social Media

The results are in: 88 percent of social-media users ages 13 to 17 feel that people share too much personal information online. And 68 percent of those in the same age bracket (52 percent of teens overall) have experienced drama among their friends on social media.[1] But what constitutes “oversharing.” ...

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