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The Devastation of Good Intentions

The first year we lived here, the fig tree amazed me!  The fruit was abundant and delicious … nothing like a dried fig.  Late in the year, though, a pesky vine began weaving through the branches.  Friends alerted me to the vine being poison oak.  Logic told me, “Get rid ...

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God’s Glory In You: Excellence in the Mundane

I have to assume I’m not the only person to wonder what God wants from me. In fact, I’ve even heard my father say, “I wonder what I’m going to do when I grow up.” It’s a chronic plague among humans to always feel at the bottom of the ladder. ...

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Questions atheists Tend to Ask, Part 4

Why are Christians who claim to be moral so intolerant? What is tolerance? Is tolerance a virtue? The dictionary gives the following definition: “a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one’s own.” Tolerance is not found among the four cardinal virtues of temperance, prudence, ...

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