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Mastering the Media: A Prayer for Righteous Reports

mainstream media, press, media bias, liberal cult, mass media, power of the press

Who is the most formidable foe of any political contender? Most would agree that it’s the mass media. It is the media which seeks to shape and dictate the mindsets of the masses either in favor or in opposition to the candidates which respectively uphold or resist their agenda. And ...

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There Isn’t a “Bang” Big Enough!

One day, there was nothing: no universe, no earth, no plants or animals and no people. Then, the universe sprang into existence as a “singularity.”  Experts admit that they do not know what a singularity is or where it comes from! A “singularity” is believed to exist in a black ...

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Learning to Speak Grown-up Words of Life

Talking is only one component of communication.  Hearing, listening and understanding create words that have substance.  Talking without listening is nothing more than verbal vomit.  The Bible has much to say about our mouths and the words that pour out of them. God gave humanity the privilege of talking so ...

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