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The New Song We Sing-Meredith Andrews

Meredith Andrews released the song “The New Song We Sing” on the album “Invitation” on April 29, 2008. She created the song from the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17-19: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.  Now all these things are from God, who ...

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Your Spiritual Food Pyramid

Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been watching episodes of Chopped incessantly on Netflix, or the fact that my vegetable-hating husband wants me to transform his diet into one that’s healthy, but I can’t help but draw a correlation between our physical diets and our spiritual health. Just like an ...

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Be Anxious For Nothing

It was never God’s intent for us to live in a state of high alert and anxiety at all times. Anxiety is a normal “fight or flight” response which was meant to keep us out of trouble in times of danger. Adrenaline is released so that we can make a ...

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