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Pulling People Up When They Are Down

Many people experience economic failings, marriage breakups, and plans that just don’t pan out. Perhaps the worst kind of setback, though, is the emotional type. I am not a counselor nor a psychologist. This is about an experience with a family member that no doubt can be of help to ...

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Do You Follow Your Senses, or God?

God is never far from us.  We don’t always feel Him near–relying on our senses for reassurance when His Word tells us that we must look for Him beyond what we see, hear, touch, or can feel. When it comes to God’s presence, do you follow your senses? So that they ...

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Exposure of Planned Parenthood: Spiritual Poverty/Material Wealth

What odd emotional contradictions I’ve experienced this week. I have begun reading Kisses From Katie. The New York Times bestseller about Katie Davis, a young woman who gave up her comfortable life for a fulfilled one. After graduating high school, she skipped college and went to Uganda. A young girl, ...

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