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Excellent Wives and The Trap of Evil Women

One of my favorite things to study in Scripture is the dynamics of men and women, our God-anointed roles and dissecting different relationships and extracting the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yesterday I came across Ecclesiastes 7:26 and it really grabbed my attention: I find more bitter than death ...

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Camping: An Excellent Way to Experience God Personally

When you have gone to all the summer parties, visited all the theme parks, and have hosted one too many backyard barbeques, it’s time to go camping. You might not have thought about camping, but it’s actually a wonderful weekend activity. It can be a fun adventure with lots of ...

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Christian Teens and Yoga: Are You Worshiping Other Gods?

A teen’s testimony of how she was freed from an unhealthy need for approval was the feature story of a missions newsletter I received. The irony was that the accompanying photo of this young missionary showed her in a yoga pose. It is a grave concern how many young people ...

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