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“Mind Your Own Business!”

How many times have you been told to “mind your own business”? Sure, everyone is entitled to his or her own privacy, but is there ever a time when you shouldn’t mind your own business? This week, my husband and I hunkered down with the remote and came across the ...

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We All Need a Real Friend

“No man is an island, no man stands alone.” God created us as social beings, so it’s clear that everyone needs a friend. We cannot make it on our own. When our creator made Adam, He saw that it was not good for him to be lonely, so He created ...

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Honoring and Obeying Your Parents: Even When You Don’t Agree

Angry words fly. The valiant acts of kindness are no longer in the realm of your thinking. Emotional lines have been drawn and crossed. The door slams and you are left all alone with the aftermath of the so-called discussion. Life is so not fair. Why doesn’t your mom understand? ...

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