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Surviving ISIS: An Encouraging Story From Iraq

ISIS seems to be all over the news and the stories never end well. They are known for the gruesome murders of many innocent Christians especially in the middle east. Today I want to share with you about a young girl who, along with her family, became homeless at the ...

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How to Find God in the Details

“I just don’t think we are meant to know,” sighed my friend.  “It is just too much for us to understand.” Checking her watch, she excused herself for an afternoon meeting.  As I finished my coffee, I pondered her statement.  It is one I have heard before:  God is beyond ...

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The One True Institution That’s Too Big To Fail

family too big to fail

“Too Big To Fail” That phrase became popular following the collapse of Lehman Brothers and other financial institutions in the U.S. The “too big to fail” theory: ” … asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the ...

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