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What Really Happened to Lot’s Wife?

The simple answer to what really happened to Lot’s wife is that she turned into a pillar of salt when she disobeyed the angels and looked back on the city of Sodom in its destruction—her city. Lot and his family, including his wife, had enjoyed the luxuries of Sodom. Their ...

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Our Hope: A Legacy of Faithfulness

When I was a little girl, a tiny plaque sat on the headboard of my parents’ giant waterbed. It read: “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” ~ anonymous From my youngest years, I found great hope and comfort in that saying. No, it’s not a ...

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Do I Have What It Takes to Face Persecution?

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to suffer persecution?  Yesterday, I heard a Christian talk show host field a question from his listening audience. The caller asked, “I’m afraid that if I ever had to suffer persecution like some Christians in other countries, I won’t be ...

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