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Be a Complete Reflection of Christ

It is a beautiful Saturday morning. Sunny, but the ground is a bit wet from the morning showers. I am seated by the pond near my home and am taking in the waterscape as part of my personal time of reflection. I usually pray and reflect in my living room, ...

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Show Love In Your World

“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” Proverbs 12:25 (NIV) There was a time when those who believed in Christ were free to say and do whatever they felt was right and good publicly, without fear of oppression and ridicule.  Those days appear ...

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Parenting In Sync

For two summers of my college life every Tuesday and Thursday night were devoted to one of my favorite Summer Olympic events, rowing. The way a team works with precision and such grace is a magnificent site to view as the boat glides across the water with the crew driving their strokes in ...

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