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Should Women be Ordained Pastors?

Have you ever stopped to notice that there are no ordained woman preachers in the Bible? Have you ever wondered why the twelve disciples were all males? “Do you believe women should be ordained pastors?” James Brown sings that “it’s a man’s world.” Many will strongly disagree with his claim, ...

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Healing from a Dead Relationship

Sometimes the greatest lessons we can learn in life come from our failures. Don’t you just love the fact that Scripture promises us: “All things work together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Not just “some” things … but ...

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Planting A “Garden of Hope”

Many business people like to feel powerful and in control.  That all changed for a former executive who learned what really is important in life. Daron Babcock used to work at a private equity firm until his wife died of cancer. Drinking and drugs then became his downfall. He said, ...

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