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Are You Believing a Lie? Do You Want to Know the Truth?

truth will set you free, knowing the truth, father of lies, willful slavery, spiritual slavery, truth vs lie, father of lies, you will know the truth, Brian Williams, Elizabeth Warren

“If what you believe to be true is not, would you want to know?” A friend posted this as her Facebook status after our pastor posed the question in church. Here were a handful of the responses: “It depends on what it was.” “Yes, I’d want to know.” “Probably not.” ...

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Gifts of Healing from God

The garden was God’s original home for his human creation. All around Adam and Eve were trees with different kinds of fruit to eat of all colors—orange, yellow, green, red. In the air permeated the fragrance of the essence of plants, perpetually medicating the humans with unobtrusive, unseen healing powers ...

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