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Watch Out Downton Abbey — Filth, No More

Recently, I was given a DVD set of Downton Abbey, a prominent TV series. The gifter told me the series reminded her of me and would speak to me like Anne of Green Gables. Having heard great things about the series from friends and family, I was so excited to ...

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We’re A Lot Like Sheep: Peculiar

Do you realize that God uses the terms “peculiar” and “sheep” to describe you and me? Truth be known, sheep are a very peculiar lot.  Learning more about sheep will help you see our common characteristics.  You’ll also be amazed at “why” God really does deserve praise from us “peculiar” ...

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Declare the Decree: Using the Sword in Your Mouth

sword of the spirit, declare the decree, power of proclamation, sword in your mouth, double-edged sword, two-edged sword, God's sword, Ephesians 6:17

“Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword.” (Isaiah 49:2) Did you know that you have a sword in your mouth? Jesus has a sword coming out of His mouth in John’s vision. (Revelation ...

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