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Who Is That in the Mirror? Your True Identity

To be honest, I haven’t always been James’ biggest fan. While I know the Bible doesn’t contradict itself, I’ve alway wrestled with him about his perspective on grace. Some of what James says is difficult to reconcile with salvation by grace alone. But this morning, I heard an explanation of one of ...

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How Can Christians Share the Truth with Difficult People?

How can a Christian get through to an overprotective, stubborn, I don’t need God type of a person? One issue near to my heart is encouraging others to seek the truth. I don’t intend to encourage people to seek “a” truth, but instead The Living Truth. So often though, people have created ...

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Persecution: Bringing Beauty to the Bride

American tolerance for Christians is very thin.  Not all of the criticism of Christianity is unwarranted.   Just or unjust, persecution is guaranteed—and will bring blessing to the Church.  It is a tool of transformation which will bring the unity Christ prayed for in John 17:1, “I pray that they will all be ...

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