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Do You Have a Right to Your Property?

The Constitution protects us against the government seizing our property … right? Yes and no. We are indeed protected from such actions. History has proven, however, that the government may “take control of both commercial and private interests” if it is “deemed necessary.” It is the responsibility of the president ...

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Dear Beloved of God: You’ve Got Mail

Dear Beloved of God … If God wrote you a letter, what would you want it to say? Perhaps you would want Him to tell you things concerning your future: what you will do, if you will be successful—will your dreams come true? Maybe you would want Him to comfort ...

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The Power to Pray Gutsy Prayers

I don’t pray very gutsy prayers. Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt about God’s ability to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that I can ask or imagine. My trouble is, I know His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are not my thoughts. What if ...

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