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The Upside-Down Love

If we took a look in the mirror, would we even recognize whom we are? Turn on any television and the glamour and advertising world says we are too fat, old or ugly. Marketers attempt to tap into our desired weaknesses trying to sell items of temporary value. Plug into ...

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Taking Jesus with You

Last week, Randy Frazee spoke at the International Christian Retailers Show in Orlando, and during his presentation, he told a story about a waitress he met while dining at a restaurant. They immediately struck up a conversation, and she began to tell him about a time when she was in ...

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“For King and Country”: Two Brothers Sold out for Jesus

Joel and Luke Smallbone, are the members of the band “For King and Country”. The two brothers are siblings of their famous sister Rebecca St. James; talent runs far and wide in this musical family. Earlier in their careers they did numerous background vocals for Rebecca St. James. These two ...

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