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10 Tips on Prepping Your Pets For The Fireworks

It’s the 4th of July and soon we will see the rockets red glare. However, we need to remember the pets that they scare. I would like to share 10 quick tips on how to prepare your pets for this fun for us, but usually traumatic experience for them. Tip ...

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Our Hope: Celebrate!

“They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.”  Psalm 145:7 (NIV) We can find verses all throughout the Bible that relate to celebrations.  God wants us to enjoy our lives that He so graciously blessed us with.  He wants us to live the abundant life, the ...

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What is Your Signature Scent?

signature scent, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 2:17, aroma of life, savor of life, smell of life, smell of death, Christian perfume

The sense of smell is powerful in evoking an immediate memory or a strong emotional response. Fashion experts even have “guides” to help you create your “signature scent” – one fragrance out of tens of thousands that other people, when they smell it, will associate with you. Did you know ...

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