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The Independent Spirit of America

A study of American history readily reveals an Independent Spirit.  A nation born with a maverick spirit nurtures the same.  I can trace mine back to childhood.  I was eight or so before I gave voice to my desire.  Overhearing my parents discussing their wills and my guardianship, I emphatically ...

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Tension at the Splash Pad and an “Aha Moment”

Today, I took my kids, who all have special needs, to a splash pad. So when I saw some kids picking on my oldest, when all she wanted to do was play with them, the “mama mode” came out. But then I took a step back and watched the situation ...

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The 7th Commandment : Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery

This is the 1st in a series of articles on Sexual Immorality. Most of us have experienced sexual immorality in some form or another, but have you ever actually considered the collateral damage it causes; how it affects not only the immediate family, but friends and associates as well? Society ...

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