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10 Personal Adjustments That Are Sure To Bless God

Sometimes, we find ourselves wondering if we are being good stewards of that which God has given us to use on our journey through life.  Are we being kind?  Are we being good financial managers?  Are we being the witness we need to be on behalf of the Kingdom of ...

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Not Everyone is Free to Marry

polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, gay marriage, persecution, radical gay agenda, homosexual agenda, same sex marriage, sexual perversion, gay pride

With all the celebrating and parades and rainbows, it is still a fact that not everyone is free to marry the one he loves. There is the Montana threesome who are filing now to legalize their polygamy. What about that guy who’s infatuated with his ten year-old neighbor? The kid ...

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Will You Pass the Test?

Knowing the right answer can be everything, but test taking is a challenge for most. Some,  after hours of study, find anxiety at test time keeps them from recalling the correct answer they’ve worked so hard to learn. Having a sense of humor when dealing with the pressure of taking ...

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