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Highlights of Last Night’s BET Awards

BET is a television network known for celebrating African Americans and their many accomplishments. The acronym stands for “Black Entertainment Television.” Last night BET hosted its 15th anniversary Awards Show. Here are a few noteworthy highlights from the evening: Illuminati Showing Out Throughout some of the performances last night, the ...

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Christians, Has War Been Declared Against Us?

Friends, I am a citizen of the United States of America and I love my country. However, much has changed in recent years and the very things our forefathers tried their best to prevent are coming to pass. You see, our country was built on a Judeo-Christian foundation, with a ...

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God’s Love is Better Than Hollywood

Why do you think it is we are willing to subscribe to faith that transcends all understanding, defies all logic, and be willing to surrender our lives to Jesus as our Savior and yet we continue to have a hard time believing that true love is possible this side of ...

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