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Love wins for teen who speaks for Christ in boldness and humility

love wins, rainbow, love of Christ, church and gay marriage, Christian reponse to same sex marriage, persecution in America

Shocked, I read the comments on social media. A 19 year-old girl whom I’d known through youth group had posted an image of a cross and a quote which affirmed, gently and simply, her support for traditional marriage. Like sharks circling prey, several of her “friends” who disagreed had attacked, ...

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“Fundamental Change”: The Shredding of the Constitution

The smiles cheers and celebrations have begun. Television, radio, and social media are inundated with the news of the recent Supreme Court rulings. The celebration will, no doubt, be short-lived.  2Timothy 3:8-9 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified ...

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Does it Get Any More Perilous Than This?

When the bad becomes good and the wrong becomes right… Look up! God is coming soon. You might say, “We still have more time.” And that’s why Christ’s coming will catch many off-guard. The Bible warns that in the last days, perilous times will come. (2 Timothy 3:1) So I’ll ...

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