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5 Reasons to Keep Praying

Man Praying

In the midst of trial and tribulation, it can seem like your prayers are bouncing off the floors of heaven—never reaching the Maker, the One who can change the course of history. You pray, and pray, and pray and yet, despite your greatest prayer warrior efforts, nothing seems to change. ...

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The Supply of Time is Running Out

Why are we always in such a hurry? Where do we have to go? Who do we have to see? What do we need to accomplish in our set amount of time? The beat of America has become a constant motion as we rush from one place to the next ...

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Jesus – The Great “I AM”

Out of the burning bush, the Lord declared, “I AM that I AM”, This was the voice of the Precious Lamb. So who is He, and who are we? Continue reading and you will see. From the Gospel of John, the eight “I AM” statements will be revealed, May this ...

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