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Finding A Place At The Table

Eating lunch daily in the school cafeteria, I watch students make the awkward walk trying to find a place to sit.  It can be painful to watch.  The student looks around, desperate to find a friend to sit with or a seat at an empty table.  And BOOM!  I’m immediately transported back to high ...

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Jonah – The Fishiest Prophet of All

The word of the Lord came to Jonah, and said, “to Nineveh you must go”, Jonah tried to sneak away, not even bothering to tell God, “No!” He climbed into a boat in Joppa, and tried to flee to Tarshish, Little did he know that God was about to make ...

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Embracing the Comfort of the Rod and Staff

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) …Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4) To a shepherd, the rod and staff were very important tools when tending sheep. The rod was a long, straight stick. It was a part of the shepherd, an ...

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