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The Love Poem (Based on 1 Corinthians 13)

To the church of Corinth Paul did write, For the topic of love he did fight. Many say the Apostle Paul was never wed, I am in doubt because of the beautiful words he spread. He shared some of the greatest wisdom on love, It was truly an inspired gift ...

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Faith in Medicine, or Faith and Medicine?

The little row of gravestones, toppled by age and vandals, held the names of five children: brothers and sisters. Ranging in age  from 3 to 18 years,  three of the children passed away during one week in June, 1873. With no death certificates on record, one is left to guess ...

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Bible Stories Are for Today–God Does Not Change

Bible stories weren’t meant to be just stories from long ago, but stories that God uses to teach us about who He is. The Lord’s character does not change, that is one thing we can be sure of! The story of David and Goliath is a lesson about faith in the Lord. ...

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