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Exposing the Enemy in the Confederate Flag Controversy

The battle that began with murderous rampage a week ago continues to rage in South Carolina.  The Enemy, infuriated with the outpouring of forgiveness and love, switched tactics.  Diverting attention from good, he is seeking to create disunity with slander and half-truths.   Satan desires the controversy around the Confederate Flag ...

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Moses – From Prince to Prophet

To Amram and Jochebed there was born a godly child, A prophet, a son, and upon him God certainly smiled. Moses was his name and he would become the most humble man, For God instilled this in him as part of His perfect plan. One day Pharaoh became angry and ...

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King David’s Example: A Different View

King David’s life had two sides. He was a warrior, chosen by God to rule when he was a lowly shepherd boy with several impressive older brothers. He lived with God’s favor on his life for many of his years, and today he is still known as “a man after ...

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