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The Devil’s Absence

Friends, today I would like to discuss the correlation between two of my favorite books in the Holy Bible. They are Job and James. These two books were some of the earliest writings in their respective testament. Job in the Old Testament, and James in the New Testament. In fact, ...

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“There But For The Grace Of God Go I”

“There But For The Grace Of God Go I.” We have all heard this quote.  Most of us have probably said it.  But do we understand what it means?  When I heard it last week in church, for some reason it came across with a different slant to it.  I ...

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Letting Go to Receive God’s Best

Are you truly available to receive all that you’ve been praying for? “No eye has seen, no ear has heard; and no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” ( Isaiah 64:4) We simply cannot grab ahold of the blessings God so greatly ...

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