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How Did It Get So Late So Soon?

Since losing my husband, I’ve come to believe that time is a cruel mistress.  When you want time to fly by, it goes slow.  When you want it to slow down, it goes fast.  I’ve gone through phases of feeling like I just saw Paul yesterday to feeling like it ...

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Sitting on the Potter’s Wheel

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” –Jeremiah 1:5 Before a potter sits at his wheel with a lump of clay, he has an idea and an image. He knows ...

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A Healthy View of Spiritual Warfare

In a recent article, I mentioned that there are various perspectives on spiritual warfare in the body of Christ, but that regardless of your view, it is important to know your enemy so that you can have victory over him. Now I want to outline some characteristics of what I ...

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