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Good Sir! You are NOT a Caveman!

It is my sincere belief that society has tried to convince men that they are essentially evolved cavemen who should act “primitively.” Now I am all for having fun and joking around, but sometimes things go too far. When men are devalued they’re going to act out in such a ...

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Suicide Hurts Everyone–How To Fight Back

It’s not just negative emotions or experiences that make a person want to end their life. It’s Satan, and he is attacking Christian men and women. Although he doesn’t deserve any more attention than he is already getting, we need to be prepared by guarding our hearts and watching out ...

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Lining Up Expectations with Scripture

The forecast for today:  102 degrees.  A transplant to the south, the heat is something I have to prepare myself for.  The forecast helps me; I know what to expect and plan accordingly.  Not every expectation works out quite so well.  Plans go awry, wishes aren’t always fulfilled, and more ...

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