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The Story Behind Your Scars — God’s Grace Revealed

Fortunately, I do not have many physical scars. There’s a small one near my left wrist that is the result of a bad burn I received when I was young. The worst one, though, is the one on my bottom lip. For some reason, that particular scar possesses a bluish-purplish ...

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The Police’s Behavior Vs. Your Response

A video recently went viral, of police officers in Texas using force on a group of African American teens at a pool party. One officer literally manhandled a teenage girl, forcefully throwing her to the ground and kneeling on top of her. He also aimed his gun at several unarmed ...

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Elisabeth Elliot: Learning from a Life of Faith

Elisabeth Howard Elliot Leitch Gren  12/21/26 – 06/15/15 A life lived in the faith of Jesus Christ continues eternally—in the heavenlies and on earth.  Elisabeth Howard Elliot Leitch Gren lived such a life.  By definition, faith is the substance of things hoped for but not seen (Hebrews 11:1).  The opportunity to ...

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