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Wear the Armor of Light

Are you following Paul’s directive to wear the armor of light? Look past the affairs of earth like nations at war, arguments with people, to the heaven lies where the real battle is being fought between principalities and powers of darkness and God’s warring angels. Jesus made a public spectacle ...

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Keep It Real With God: He Can Take It

Be real with God, because He knows already. Be encouraged and comforted in knowing that God knows you better than you know yourself. The Bible says that while on earth, “we know in part, but then [in heaven], we will know fully, just as we have been fully known” (1 ...

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Is Success Based on Your Ability to Worry Well?

Crossroads: Success or Failure by Chris Potter of,

I know people who believe worry is the key to their success. If they don’t worry about the account, the sales, the market, their kids, their relationships or their personal finances, then they are not being responsible. Worrying about these things keeps them in check. It makes them a good ...

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