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3 Tips to Improve Heart Fitness

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 Is your heart fit? At any time of the day, on any day of the week, you can turn on the television and find a program, commercial or news story highlighting the newest ...

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FAST: Accelerate Your Faith

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your engines!  VAROOOM! VAROOOM! Have you ever been to a car race? Being “FAST” is important. However, for a racecar driver to be the fastest, he or she needs to make many adjustments during the race. If he or she does too much of one thing, ...

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Live in the Triumph of the Cross

Triumphant living does not always have the ring-tone we long to hear.  Yet as Oswald Chambers says, “There is no majestic vitality and power of God in ‘suffering the will of the Lord.’ ”  So, when life feels less than majestically alive and powerful, how do we align our reality ...

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