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Seek God in Prayer, Even if The Answer is “No”

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  (Luke 11:9, NIV)  Luke 11:9 says: seek Him. It kind of sounds a little too simple. After all, when we are praying we are ...

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What Is Intercessory Prayer?

When we do not know what else to say, a promise of prayer feels good and right.  And it is, but what does it mean?  Will it do any good?  We want to believe. We hate feeling helpless.  We read that the prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James ...

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Prayer Is Needed In Public Schools

Today, more than ever we need to pray for God to step into America’s schools and make His presence and power known again through prayer. Ever since June 25, 1962, when the highest court in the land, removed  prayer from public schools, tragedy has struck in the public school system. ...

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