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How to Refocus After Opposition and Discouragement

Have you lost your focus lately? Perhaps opposition from the enemy has come your way and brought tremendous discouragement to you. Refocusing on Jesus after opposition and discouragement have come your way is vital to overcoming these tactics.  Merriam-Webster defines opposition as: an action that is done to stop or ...

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Search for Your Significance In God–You Are Somebody!

In II Kings five, we find the story of Naaman and his healing from the dreaded disease of leprosy. It is a fascinating story and probably one of the most familiar miracles of the Old Testament. And while there is much to glean from the miracle itself, I would like ...

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Come to the Lord’s House With Expectation

Do we always come to church expecting God’s presence and the moving of the Holy Spirit?  If so, what happens when you cannot sense His Presence?  Do you leave or unplug?  Or do you lift your voice and hands in praise? Obedience is better sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22) Psalm 100 ...

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