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6 Reasons Being a Teen Rocks

Teenage years are a parent’s worst nightmare. They dread having to deal with temper tantrums, relationship drama, and “my-body-isn’t-perfect” meltdowns. Some parents pray so hard for their children’s survival throughout the teenage years—one would think being a teen is a deadly disease. Undoubtedly, adolescence is a tough time of self-discovery ...

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Are TV Shows Like “The Bachelor” Ruining Relationships?

Millions of women around the country tune in each week as “Mr. Suave,” who has been deemed an “eligible” bachelor by the casting crew, walks onto the scene and a pool of svelte 20 and 30-somethings line up to introduce themselves and make their first on-screen impressions. Over the next ...

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How to Deal With Toxic Family

Families are supposed to be a place of support, love, and acceptance. Sometimes, however, family relationships can be the place where we experience the deepest hurt. Sometimes we can spend years sacrificing our mental and spiritual health in harmful relationships under the notion that we have to because “they are ...

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