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Bus Driver Rescues Kidnapped Child

On Friday, June 5, at the Milpitas Public Library in Northern California, a three-year-old was kidnapped from his mother while they visited the library.  Bus driver, Tim Watson, saw the alert and logged the boy’s description: blue shirt, plaid shorts, red crocs. Later, during his route, Tim noticed a young, ...

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It’s Not a Sin to be Tempted!

It is not a sin to be tempted! This may sound simple and obvious, but sometimes we become paralyzed and even feel ashamed for simply experiencing temptation. Temptation is an enticement to sin, but it is not sin itself. It is when an “opportunity” to sin is presented in front us. ...

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Exercising Your Faith Muscle

Friends, today I’m going to take you on spiritual workout. In fact, today we’re going to do some target training and work specifically on the faith muscle. Does this sound silly? I hope not, because it is my hope to get you “pumped up” about your faith and have you ...

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