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You Are Never too Dirty to Get Clean

Last night after playing for hours outside, my two-year old looked like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown and the grimy murky bath water told the story of his day. Needless to say, he was one dirty boy! I had to run water a second time just to make sure he had ...

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Job Suffered Much Because He Was Good

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your lips with rejoicing.” Job 8:21 (NKJV) Job suffered much because he was good.  He served His Lord and he obeyed His commands.  He took care of what God had given him.  He loved his family, and He raised his children well.  Yes, ...

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Caitlyn Jenner: God and Transgender

Bruce Jenner was put to rest this year, in order to give birth to Caitlyn Jenner. After many years of struggling with gender identity, Bruce finally decided on being a transgender. Let’s take a look on two definitions of the word “transgender.” • A person whose gender identity doesn’t correspond ...

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