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How to Protect Your Relationships from the Enemy

Think about it, what better way to keep you from truly experiencing God’s great love than for the enemy to use the people closest to you to cause you constant confusion, fear, insecurity and disconnectedness? God wishes for His children to experience unity and harmony in our relationships. That requires ...

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“But I really want a boyfriend!”

Christian teens dating; Christian girl boyfriend, Christians and dating, I want a boyfriend!

The pioneering path to the greatest frontiers in the kingdom of heaven is littered with the figurative bones of young girls who were the brightest and mightiest for the Lord, but who got sidetracked and taken out–at least temporarily–by an altogether natural impulse: the desire to have a boyfriend. Time and ...

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ISIS Fighter Has A Dream and Becomes A Christian

Does God still speak through dreams? God can use anything to bring people into His saving grace. He did this with an ISIS soldier. Dreams are very significant among Muslims.  According to an expert, “They ask God for guidance through dreams, one way that Muslims expect to hear from God.” ...

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