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Identify Theft Is On the Rise

“Every two seconds, another American becomes a victim of identity fraud” (CNN Money). According to a recent study done by Javelin Strategy and Research there was a 500,000 increase in the number of identity fraud victims from 2012 to 2013 placing the number of incidents in 2013 at 13.1 million ...

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Church Sisters, Dress with Your Church Brothers in Mind

Males are attracted to females. That’s just how God created them. Our church brothers’ innate attraction to the opposite sex does not die, just because they are sitting in church. So ladies, the least we can do is dress with our church brothers in mind. We are all responsible for ...

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Stop! Drop Your Cell Phone!

Teen: you’ve made it through another year of school. Congratulations. I’m sure there were days when you didn’t feel like getting up and facing another day of classes, peer drama, and deadlines. But you went anyway. Your discipline will serve you well in all that you do. Speaking of discipline: ...

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